الأربعاء، ١٠ يونيو ٢٠٠٩

PostgreSQL & PostGIS operations @ codeproject

This is my first post at The Code Project site , You kindly evaluate this post at the following url
This post is a bout PostgreSQL(open source DB) and PostGIS(spatial DB) to create a backup & load a backup of your DB and convert Esri Shapefile to & from PostGIS

Please if you have any comments don't hesitate and remember that the slogan of my blog is
ConTribUte jUst a coMment

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Ramy Mahrous يقول...

ما شاء الله ربنا يكرمك عاوزين نشوف حاجات احلى و احلى ربنا يباركلك
بس قولي الحاجات ديه شغاله ولابتضحك علينا