is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). It is released under a BSD-style license and is thus free software. As with many other open-source programs, PostgreSQL is not controlled by any single company, but has a global community of developers and companies to develop it.
PostgreSQL cannot support arabic fonts as it used SQL-ASCII Encoding as default.
You just choose UTF-8 encoding to enable DB to be arabic.
You can now make a simple C# application that connect to postgre DB to check if it run right or no?You have recourse to simple application of Adrian Pasik to test
is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). It is released under a BSD-style license and is thus free software. As with many other open-source programs, PostgreSQL is not controlled by any single company, but has a global community of developers and companies to develop it.
PostgreSQL cannot support arabic fonts as it used SQL-ASCII Encoding as default.
You just choose UTF-8 encoding to enable DB to be arabic.
You can now make a simple C# application that connect to postgre DB to check if it run right or no?You have recourse to simple application of Adrian Pasik to test
هناك تعليقان (٢):
Good RDMBS I used it before, but is it really ORDBMS ?
Yes it is true
PostGreSQL in addition to being a relational database, is object-relational as well. What this means is that it has some object-oriented features such as concept of inheritance and ability to define complex datatypes with special functions to deal with these datatypes, but is for the most part relational in nature. In fact, most uses of Postgres do not take advantage of it's extensive object-oriented functionality. It has features that you may not find in even expensive well-known commercial relational database management systems (RDBMS) and ORDBMS systems. Below are a couple of neat features that make it stand out from the pack.
see the link
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